Productivity = Me

Lee's blue, brown, and green set to match a new dress

Sarah's treble clef brooch with turquoise

My workspace overhaul... this has been over a few weekends

As you can tell, this weekend I have been a very busy girl. I completed two commission orders which I will post more about separately later. But I had good fun matching colours of stones to Lee's new dress and a fun wire bending session (and hammering session - sorry neighbours!) for Sarah's copper musical brooch. I think I can count it as wire wrapping as the turquoise beads are wire wrapped on to the treble clef, I haven't had a lot of wire wrapping experience and find it an exciting challenge. I was a little worried about how neat I could get it but it has turned out beautifully. If I do say so myself :-)

And in between the two projects I pulled all my containers out and reorganised the space using my lovely new blue boxes from WHSmith on top of the table; and under the table too... but that's not finished so I can't show you yet.

Also, you may have noticed the blog facelift too... you'll remember how geeky I can get over this stuff. But I've been really excited to integrate it properly with my website so it looks the same and makes a smoother experience to navigate with the full website menu at the top and the same colours and background. I hope you like it. 

Hope you all had a good weekend too whether you were very productive or had a well deserved relax.

Natasha x

Natasha Fraser Handcrafted Jewellery


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