Wire Wrapping Take 2!

A while ago I showed you my first attempt at simple wire wrapping, it wasn't bad but the back was quite messy. 

A lady at church has given me a little tiger-eye stone that is very precious to her to wire wrap in gold. It will look lovely when it is done. 

However I felt the need to practice first in silver to make sure it turned out the way I was hoping. Rather then wrapping wire around the stone I chose to make a wire setting for the stone to sit in. 

Wire wrapped tiger-eye in silver

Back view

It is not 100% perfect so I will do another silver version before starting in gold but I am really pleased with the outcome. I'll try and take photos of the different stages but I'm sure you can appreciate that letting go of the wires is a risky business mid-wrap! :-)

If you have any small treasures you would like made into jewellery let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Natasha x

Natasha Fraser Handcrafted Jewellery


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