New Commissions
Here are a few photos of my latest commission pieces. These have been done over the last few weeks. It is a mixed bunch this time - quite a few different techniques too. I had to learn knotting to make the white bracelet further down.
This amethyst bracelet is for a client of mine who loves all things purple. She has quite a few things of mine in purple already but wanted a chunky bracelet in amethyst. This is what I came up with.
Amethyst Heart Bracelet |
This next pendant was for a client who already has a purple bracelet and earrings and wanted something dainty to go with those. I really like this design, it is simple and yet elegant and sits nicely on the chain.
Amethyst Dew Pendant |
This customer wanted something plain and simple for her husband in a neutral colour. I chose howlite because although plain it has some lovely grey matrix lines through it that give it a lovely bit of detail. I had to learn knotting which was not as hard as I thought it would be once I figured out a little trick to use.
Howlite Knotted Bracelet |
The lapis lazuli necklace was for a client's wife's birthday. He saw me experimenting with the beads and new she would like something made with them as she loves blue. This is what I designed:
Lapis Lazuli Bali Necklace |
For this blue necklace piece I was given an old blue bead necklace to revamp that had belonged to my client's Grandmother. I took it apart and picked out the beads that were in the best condition. I changed the design and started to wire wrap them onto a new silver chain. And then added some Swarovki crystals and bali beads to add a little sparkle.
Blue Bead Necklace |
I designed this pendant after a client asked me for something to go with the matching earrings she had previously bought from me. I kept the design of the earrings and just made it a pendant instead. She was delighted!
Unakite & Strawberry Pearl Pendant |
So now these are complete... on to the next lot of jobs!! Hopefully I will have more photos to post soon so you can follow my journey.
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